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About Me

My Philosophy

“I believe that there is greatness in all of us. My passion is to help people and teams to be the best version of themselves possible. To support people to improve their life in whatever way is meaningful for them.”

As a business psychologist I have coached individuals and teams in a variety of organisations both in Ireland and overseas, in IT/communications, Financial Services, Manufacturing, Business to Business, and Not-for-Profit sectors.

I am an Associate Faculty member at the Irish Management Institute, Roffey Park Institute, University College Cork and the National College of Ireland. I was a founding member of the Stress Management Institute in Ireland.

Certification and Credentials

Member of Association for Coaching and British Psychological Society

Executive Coaching Graduate - The School of Coaching and University of Strathclyde

Law School Graduate and Barrister-at-Law at Honorable Society of Kings Inns

Master’s Degree in Cognitive Psychology, University of Manchester

BA Psychology and Sociology, UCC